A blog about our love of Hiking. Gear we like, tips and tricks we've learnt and walks we love

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hiking Poles or not?

To use or not use hiking poles is something that we struggled with.
Will they just get in the way? Should I know how to use them properly or will I just be better off saving my money and picking up the nearest stick?

I actually got our first set of hiking poles on a whim. I walked past a sale as I was buying something else and they were coincidentally reduced in price to the exact amount that I have left over after my other purchase.
“I will just grab them and figure out how to use them later” I thought.
So, after some research on how to properly set them up and techniques for using them we took them on our first 4 day hike.
They turned out to be absolutely invaluable. We found them to be very useful not only on the uphill sections but on the downhill also.
I am not claiming to be any sort of expert on the purchase and use of hiking poles but I can offer my opinion of their use and how handy they are when it comes to long distance hikes.
I honestly believe that had we not taken hiking poles on the 4 day hike we would have returned with knees and ankles that were much more sore than they were.
I strongly recommend purchasing and learning how to use hiking poles when going on an extended multi day walk.
You won’t be sorry.

Below are some links to get you started.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beautiful Noosa National Park

Our first ‘hike’ was more of an extended walk as we wanted to test out and wear in our new hiking boots. (see previous blog)
We went up to the beautiful Noosa National Park
To get there drive into the main part of Noosa and turn left at Hastings Street and keep following the road for a couple of klms up the hill into the national park. There are plenty of parks for the car.
There are five tracks that you can walk from a 1klm walk for you and the kids to a longer walk that could take a few hours and is for more experienced walkers that requires a higher level of fitness.
This is from the DERM website[1]
(1) Palm Grove circuit — 1km circuit (Allow 15-30 mins) Class 2
This circuit passes through rainforest with hoop pines and piccabeen palms. The track begins near the picnic area.
(2) Tanglewood track — 6.9km (4.2km to Hell's Gates and return 2.7km on the Coastal track) (Allow 2 - 3 hours) Class 4
One of the park's more isolated inland walks, this track meanders through rainforest, open eucalypt woodlands and closed woodlands to northern Alexandria Bay. Return to the day-use area on the Coastal track. The Tanglewood track begins near the picnic area.
(3) Noosa Hill track — 3.4km circuit (Allow 1-1.5 hours) Class 4
A steady grade leads through open eucalypt woodlands and shrublands to the top of Noosa Hill. Views to the coast are restricted due to thick vegetation. This track begins past the information centre, near the entrance to the Coastal track.
(4) Coastal track — 5.4km one-way (Allow 2 - 3 hours) Class 2, 3 & 4
Class 2 to Dolphin Point (1km); Class 3 from Dolphin Point to Hell's Gates (1.7km); Class 4 from Hell’s Gates to northern Sunshine Beach (2.7km).
Skirting the shoreline from the main park entrance to northern Sunshine Beach, the track passes over several headlands and provides many spectacular coastal views. Take extra care near cliff edges and keep children under close supervision. Walk along the beach at Alexandria Bay and rejoin the formed walking track at the southern end of the beach. There is a very steep set of stairs leading down to Sunshine Beach.
You can walk the Coastal track from Noosa to Sunshine Beach and catch a bus back. You’ll need to walk 1.2km further south along the beach to the bus stop outside the Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club. For bus connection details phone 13 12 30.
(5) Alexandria Bay track — 4.6km return from Parkedge Road (Allow 1 hour 15 mins-2 hours) Class 4
From Parkedge Road, a sandy track winds through open woodlands and heathlands to Alexandria Bay. You can also access this track via the Tanglewood or Noosa Hill tracks.

We elected to walk the ‘Tanglewood track’ on the way out and the ‘Coastal walk’ for the walk home.
The walk starts at the information centre and heads slowly uphill into subtropical rainforest with moss covered trees and strangler vines.

After a couple of kilometres the vegetation changes into more open bush and sandy underfoot.

Eventually after walking at a reasonable pace for about 2 hours you come to a fork in the track. Left will lead you to the top of the headland and onto the return coastal track. Right will take you down onto the beach and toward the township of Sunshine beach. Warning – this is not a circuit and you would need to retrace your steps if you need to get back to your car.
So, after turning left, you emerge at the Noosa headland and a beautiful spot called Hells Gates. It has a spectacular view of the ocean and you can watch the wave’s crash in through a natural gap in the cliffs. A great place for lunch (if you get out of the very strong wind)

The track takes you back along the coast and has constant views of the ocean below. Along the way stop and enjoy the beauty of Dolphin Bay and the Boiling Pot.

If you set aside the whole day you will have time to stop on the drive out and enjoy a coffee at many of Noosa’s beautiful coffee shops.

[1] http://www.derm.qld.gov.au/parks/noosa/about.html

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Starting to purchase gear - Boots

After a lot of research,  many hours scouring the internet and looking through our local outdoor/hiking stores we finally came up with some gear that we decided was best both for quality and for our budget.
I’m sure we aren’t Robinson Crusoe,  in that we are not operating on an open ended budget but we also wanted to have the best quality gear as we realised that a multi day hike with the wrong gear can be a nightmare.
We started with hiking boots as I decided that this was the most important piece of gear that we would own.  We would use them on every hike we would do whether it was just a day hike or a multi day hike.
I did not want to skimp on boots as I realised from my research (and now from personal experience) that a good sturdy and comfy pair of boots are absolutely essential.
I want to make it really clear that boots are a personal thing and what boot is right for me wont necessarily be the right boot for you. However, what IS important is that you are not tempted to buy the first pair of shiny new boots with all the fancy bits and pieces that you see.
You MUST try on and try on again until you are absolutely comfortable with the boots you have chosen. I won’t say this about any of the other gear but DO NOT be swayed by discounts or other offers. You will be walking up to 20-25klms per day over anything from a day to 8 nights with about 15-20kgs on your back for a standard hike. All that time with a wrong fitting boot is NOT worth any sort of discount or fancy offer.
After looking around for a couple of months I settled on a pair of Hi-tec Vlite hiking boots.

Things we looked for in hiking boot;
1.       Ankle Support
It is very important that you have very good ankle support. Many tracks through SE QLD (and in fact all over Aus) that we walk are QLD Class 4 tracks or above which are classed as rough with uneven surfaces and exposed roots and rocks. My wife and I have both felt our ankles being held firm by these boots when we have stood on a rock or root and our ankle has tried to twist over. Not a good thing on day two of a four day hike in the middle of nowhere with help a long way off.
2.       Tread
It’s also important that you have a boot that has different types of tread on the sole. You will be walking on different types of ground on your hike. E.g. sand, grass, rock, slippery surfaces, dirt etc. they all require different types of tread to keep your feet on the ground as securely as possible. Again, getting an injury from falling or hyper extending a knee is disastrous on a multi day hike.
3.       Waterproof
The boot we chose has waterproofing half way up the boot. This is fine for most walks in SE QLD as you will rarely be wading through water any deeper than half a boot height. However, if you are going in the rainy season or you are hiking in the Kosciusko National Park or in Tasmania for example, you may need a more waterproof boot. Hiking for days with wet boots and socks would be a miserable experience. We chose this boot because hiking in QLD in a fully waterproof boot may mean it doesn’t breathe very well and may be very hot.
4.       Quality
Self explanatory. This was important to us as I didn’t want to get half way through a hike and find the sole coming off or the seams opening up. We also don’t have the money to keep buying different shoes. Before this, the most I had ever spent on shoes was $100, these cost me $270!! Worth every penny but they need to last as long as possible.

There are so many more things to look at when buying boots. Have a look around and find out what’s important to you.
Remember, don’t skimp on boots!
More gear to come….

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where on earth do I start?

We really had no idea where to start.
Do we just go out and find the nearest park and go for a walk or do we just jump in head off to the wilderness for a week and hope all will be ok?
Well the park is nice but not quite the hike we had in mind and the week sounded just like what we had in mind but we had very minimal gear and no real idea of how to go about organising something like that.

Starting is always the hardest thing to do.
How do you take that first step? How do you kick it off? Where do you begin?
It’s going to be different for everyone but we decided that the best thing to do would be to take some shorter hikes first to get the lay of the land, so to speak.
Next post will be some track notes on our very first hike that kicked all this off.
Stay tuned……….

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Research, Research and more Research

The first thing we did when we decided that hiking was for us was to get on line and research, research, research and even more research.
The following is a list (not in any way exhaustive) of sites that I found to be very helpful.
I want to give a big plug to Frank at ‘Our Hiking Blog’ for all the help. Thanks mate.
Fantastic for all things hiking. Slightly biased toward Tasmania but very very helpful all the same. An excellent eBook on Hiking food.
Great for gear and clothing
The QLD state government website for the Department of Energy and Resource Management. You can navigate your way to the Great Walks info, which are some fantastic walks in QLD. We have done a couple of Great Walks and you can bet we will be doing more.
American site that have some very good essays on all things hiking. We got some interesting hiking techniques from this site that have come in very handy.
Some dehydrated food that can be purchased when it takes too long or you just can’t be bothered dehydrating your own.

The above are a good start to your research but if you really look there are many many more. These are just a few of the ones that helped us.
Happy hunting.

Why "We Love Hiking"?

I decided late one night to start a blog about our love for hiking.

Maybe it is a crazy idea or maybe it is a great idea, I guess time will tell.

My goal is to give people out there the same bug that my wife and I have been bitten with. (and i don't mean leeches, ticks, march flies, mosquitoes or ants etc) We love hiking.

My wife and i have been married for 17 years and have three teenagers. We aren't old but we aren't exactly spring chickens either. I wanted something that my wife and i could enjoy together and at the same time keep us fit and active and allow us to spend more quality time together.

So we embarked on hours and hours of research into hiking gear, equipment, tracks, tips and tricks. We have now begun our hiking adventures and i will aim to share as much of it as i can including as many of the little tips and hints that we have picked up along the way as i can remember.

Along the way I have found many fantastic hiking and outdoor blogs and websites and in time i will share them with you.

We live in South East QLD, Australia. I scoured the net and struggled to come up with a lot of info on hiking in south east QLD even though there are some world class tracks and some of the most beautiful country in the world.

A last word to anyone who may read this. I am not claiming to be any sort of expert but i hope that you can get something out of my rambling and maybe pick up some of the joy that my wife and I have had on our hiking adventures.